Words for Describing Clothing and Appearance
Vorderseite | Umgekehrte Seite |
a strip of leather or other material worn around the waist | belt |
a type of shoe that covers the foot and ankle | boots |
having a strong or vivid color | bright |
to put on clothes | get dressed |
hand coverings with separate sections for each finger | gloves |
a small bag used for carrying personal items | handbag |
a knitted garment typically worn over a shirt | jumper |
to appear attractive in | look good in |
to go well together | match |
to dress oneself in | put on |
loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging | pyjamas |
a coat designed to be worn in the rain | raincoat |
an open-toed shoe with straps across the foot | sandals |
a length of fabric worn around the neck or head | scarf |
a garment worn over the pelvic area, covering the legs | shorts |
a covering for the foot and lower leg | socks |
a set of clothes made from the same fabric, typically consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt | suit |
to be appropriate or suitable for someone | suit |
a knitted garment worn over the upper body | sweater |
a garment worn for swimming | swimming costume |
to remove clothing | take off |
a long, narrow strip of fabric worn around the neck | tie |
a close-fitting, one-piece garment that covers the legs and feet | tights |
a garment worn on the upper body | top |
a type of shoe designed for sports or other physical activity | trainers |
to open or undo a zipper | unzip |