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Apparence Caractère Relation Humeur Voyages Maison Passe-temps Météo Travail Nature Transport Santé Alimentation L'éducation Finances L'heure Vacances Droit Divertissement Divers Expressions Grammaire Conversation

Useful phrases for meeting and getting to know someone

Useful phrases to describe your job

Description of schedule, conditions, and job responsibilities

Vocabulary for describing studies

Everything we love about cinema

Learning to talk about the books we love

Talking about our preferences between books and movies

Talking about our leisure time activities

How I spend my free time

Things to do on vacation and while traveling

Talking about climate, weather, and natural disasters

Expressing our preferences

Various hobbies and activities

Throwing a party and learning vocabulary

Traditional celebrations and festivals

Learning to describe life in metropolises

Personal Transportation

Describing Air Travel

Words for Describing Transportation

Words for Describing Clothing and Appearance

Let's talk about finance and investments

How we earn and spend money

Expressions for all occasions

Vocabulary for food lovers

Apparence Caractère Relation Humeur Voyages Maison Passe-temps Météo Travail Nature Transport Santé Alimentation L'éducation Finances L'heure Vacances Droit Divertissement Divers Expressions Grammaire Conversation