Meeting new people 공개

Useful phrases for meeting and getting to know someone

이 컬렉션의 단어 목록은 다음과 같습니다.
앞면 뒷면
informal greeting asking about someone's well-being How are things?
neutral greeting asking about someone's well-being How are you doing?
asking someone's opinion about a place or situation How are you finding it here?
expression used to convey that it has been a long time since you last saw someone It’s been ages.
expression used to convey happiness upon seeing someone It’s great to see you.
informal way of saying goodbye Later.
formal way of introducing someone to another person Let me introduce you to ...
polite expression used when meeting someone for the first time Pleased to meet you!
informal way of saying goodbye So long!
polite way of asking if someone knows a particular person or fact Sorry, do you know … ?
asking someone about their recent news or updates What’s your news?